Steve Parry BSc MSc CGeol CEng FGS FIMM

Steve is an Engineering Geologist / Geomorphologist with dual honours degree in Geology and Geography and an M.Sc in Engineering Geology from Imperial College, London. Steve has over 35 years’ experience, having worked on projects in the UK, South Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific. He is a member of the IAEG Commission C25 on Engineering Geological Models and was a technical reviewer of the Hong Kong Government publication “Engineering Geological Practice in Hong Kong”.

Steve specialises in the assessment of landslide hazard and risk, using both qualitative and quantatative assessments. He is currently co-authoring the UK CIRIA Guidelines on this and previously led the technical review of the Hong Kong Government’s guidelines on landslide hazard and risk. Steve has also been an Expert Witness for the impact of landslides on infrastructure.

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