Dr Stavros Bandis B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD

Dr Stavros Bandis completed his PhD at the University of Leeds in 1980 and continued research in Norway co-developing with Dr N Barton constitutive laws for modelling the engineering behavior of rock discontinuities known as the Barton-Bandis (BB) model, which has been adopted internationally. Since then he has become recognised as a world leader on the characterisation of discontinuities and rock masses and their numerical simulation.

Current fields of expertise are evaluation of stability and design of retention/support measures of slopes and tunnels, design of caverns and multiple-opening underground schemes in weak, bedded rocks and the design of foundations for heavy structures. As a consulting Geotechnical / Rock Engineer over the past 25 years he has been engaged as Designer, Design Reviewer, Checker and Expert Panelist in over 100 civil engineering projects worldwide.

Within Geo-Design, he leads the group on engineering analysis and numerical modelling for the design of civil geo-structures. From the mid-90’s to date, he is Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Holder of the 1983 Manuel Rocha Medal of the International Society of Rock Mechanics, Stavros is often a panelist and keynote lecturer at international conferences and a member of several scientific advisory boards

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