Nick has been a practising Geological Engineer since 1984. He has particular expertise in: slope stability problems related to natural and engineered slopes and their remediation, and foundation design and construction. He has been employed as a technical expert for loss adjusters, consultants, contractors and Government working on projects ranging from slope failures affecting highways (Albania, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong and UK), identification of geological hazards for major highway projects (UK Lower Thames Crossing), foundations (UK, Bangkok and Hong Kong); and debris flow mitigation schemes (Hong Kong). Nick is a visiting Professor in Geological Engineering at the University of Portsmouth, and a subject External Examiner at the University of Plymouth and a consultant at Geo-Design.
Nick’s current funded research projects concern the engineering behaviour of rock from fundamental fracture mechanics; controls on the rapid degradation of rock in engineering time; creep behaviour of mudstones related to a high-level nuclear waste disposal facility in the UK and; an understanding of fracture damage, heterogeneity and anisotropy in rock masses focused on deep copper mine development in Chile. He has authored papers and Government Reports on a wide range of subjects including: landslide investigations and remediation, use of geophysical techniques in slopes and retaining walls, underground construction in Hong Kong, and rock fracture mechanics.