Brisbane Airport Link (Australia)

Kedron East On Ramp 3DEC – Brisbane, Australia

The Brisbane Airport Link is a tunnelled roadway connecting the Brisbane central business district to the East-West Arterial Road which leads to Brisbane Airport. The Airport Link comprises road and busway tunnels, connecting ramps, bridges and a section of new road.

Geo-Design was appointed to contribute to an independent detailed design evaluation of the Kedron Ramp, comprising 23m span tunnel in very shallow cover, in weathered carbonate and volcanic sedimentary rocks.

Geo-Design undertook independent relogging of project site investigation cored boreholes and established lithostratigraphical correlation between boreholes across the project area. The team derived geological models and rock mass models for direct input to design analysis in order for Geo-Design (Thessaloniki) to carry out stability assessment via FLAC, UDEC and 3DEC.

This project was posted in Caverns and Underground Mines, Road, Tunnels.

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